
How to Live a Happy Life in a Challenging World

Living a happy life doesn’t always mean being comfortable or wealthy. It can be a tough life and you’re going to have to work hard. So how can you remain happy when things get challenging? In this article, I’ll be sharing some tips on how to live a happy life. 1. How to find happiness in a challenging world Happiness is a hard thing to find in a challenging world. It's not always easy to be happy and content in a world that is full of trials and tribulations. But happiness is something that you can find no matter what. It's not something that will just magically appear, but it's something that you can create. You just need to be open to happiness and create your own. It's not always easy to be happy, but it's worth it. 2. How to be happy when you feel like giving up It's not always easy to be happy. Sometimes, life feels like it's just too much. It may seem like the best option is to give up. But, that is not the best way to live your life. T

Dowry system in India भारत में दहेजप्रथा

 I want to ask the boys one thing that if you start earning money in any field or you start a job, do you owe someone something? Suppose you make some money, and it is also a good thing to earn.  But this does not mean that when you marry a girl, your father starts demanding lakhs of rupees from a girl's father? And tell them that if you cannot meet our demand so much, then this relationship cannot happen?  And I am asking for these millions of rupees because my boy works, it seems very surprising that when we take lakhs of rupees from a girl's father and then after getting married, then I tell that girl I love you. Huh? I love you?  It is a matter of shame that on one hand we call ourselves self-respecting and on the other hand, without any reason to demand money from anyone? If someone says something to the boys, then they start to feel their disrespect, but there is no shame in asking for lakhs of rupees from someone's father?  And no boy ever tells his father that fathe

The education that is being imparted in the school is making people foolish.

Photo by Max Fischer    Seeing the educated and lying people, I hate education that at least the person who is not educated is clean from the heart, it is egoistic, he does not have a sense of respect for his elders. Is it not enough But when I look at an educated person and see a written person, he thinks that by making 90, 95 percent of some two-twelfth or acquiring some degrees or by attaining some two-four certificates, he thinks that I got educated and went on writing but it would be the opposite  The more the person who reads, the more he gets filled with arrogance and inordinate swagger because the education that is being given to us, he is not teaching anything other than growing up to compete with each other to make Shiva Mahakanshi. is  Because in the last three years, when I have come home, I have seen a lot of things like this, but today I am not as good as I was when I got out of school because I have completely forgotten the education that I earned from school. Because th

What is Bharat mata ki jai ???

Have you ever heard America Mata Brazil Mata Rasia Mata China Mata I have not heard if you have heard but you do not know if I have not heard what is Bharat Mata Somebody will tell what this mother of India is like, Mother Earth still understands that the Earth should be called Mother because the Earth gives us food to eat, it gives us food, diamonds, gems, gold, silver and almost all things are originating from the Earth itself.  Just as a mother gives birth to a child, she is also producing someone, similarly the earth is giving us something or the other,  it is understandable to be her mother, but what is this mother India, no one will tell me because if I speak Even if you are, thought you would know Since childhood, I have been hearing in schools that Bharat Mata ki Jai Bharat Mata Ki Jai could never have imagined what it is, so today I wished so thought that you should be asked by the people to see what it says about India. Mother's Jai Bharat Mata ki Jai asks to ask, no one

How to eat food through meditate state ??

 Whenever you have food, take special care of one thing that during that time neither you have to run mobile, nor have to talk to anyone, I mean to say that our focus should be on food. It is not to be done that you are eating bread on one side, driving a mobile phone on the other side, talking to someone on one side, or sitting down watching TV while having meals.  Do not do this at all, I always see that as soon as people start eating food, they will either be talking to someone at the same time, or will be busy running mobile, this is exactly the habit of our elder brother. When we would sit down to eat, we would play video of Kapil Sharma on one side and eat on the other side,  we told him many times that at least the food should be done peacefully and carefully, but if he got our point wrong, he would fight us As he started talking about what he meant to you, his ego got hurt that our younger brother is explaining to us, although it always happens that those who are older than us

ध्यान पूर्व भोजन कैसे करें ...

 आप जब भी भोजन करें तो एक बात का विशेष ख्याल रखें कि उस दौरान ना ही आपको मोबाइल चलाना है, न ही किसी से बातचीत करना है, मेरा कहने का मतलब है  हमारा पूरा  ध्यान भोजन करने पर होना चाहिए।  ऐसा नहीं करना हैं  कि आप एक तरफ रोटी खा रहे हैं, दूसरी तरफ मोबाइल चला रहे हैं, एक तरफ किसी से बातें कर रहे हैं, या भोजन करते समय टीवी देखने बैठ गए हैं। ऐसा बिल्कुल न करें, ऐसा मैं हमेशा देखता हूँ कि लोग जैसे ही भोजन करना शुरू करेंगे उसी समय या तो किसी से बात कर रहे होंगे, या फिर मोबाइल चलाने में व्यस्त रहेंगे,   हमारे बड़े भाई की बिल्कुल यही आदत हैं। जब भोजन करने बैठेंगे तो एक तरफ कपिल शर्मा की वीडियो चला लेंगे और दूसरी तरफ भोजन करेंगे, हमनें उन्हें कई बार बोला कि कम से कम भोजन तो शांति से और पूरे ध्यान पूर्वक किया करो, लेकिन उन्हें हमारी बात गलत लगी, तो वो हमसे लड़ने जैसी बात करने लगे कि तुम्हें क्या मतलब, उनके अहंकार को चोट लग गई कि हमारा छोटा भाई हमें समझा रहा हैं, हालांकि ऐसा हमेशा होता हैं, कि जो हमसे बड़े होते हैं वो अपने से छोटों की बात समझने को कभी तैयार नहीं होते, लेकिन ऐसा कभी छोटों के साथ नहीं हो

Work For Birds and Animals

हर साल निर्जलीकरण के दुष्प्रभावों के कारण बड़ी संख्या में पक्षी और आवारा जानवर मर जाते हैं। यह मुख्य रूप से तथाकथित विकास और सौंदर्यीकरण ड्राइव का परिणाम है, जो पानी के प्राकृतिक स्रोतों को सुखा रहे हैं।  हम में से हर कोई दया की एक सरल क्रिया द्वारा इस दुखद स्थिति में एक नाटकीय बदलाव कर सकता है - पानी के कटोरे रखकर।  इसलिए मैं चाहता हूँ हम सभी अपनी छत पर, एक खिड़की में, बालकनी में, सड़क पर, एक पार्क में - कहीं भी पानी के कटोरे रखें। इस उद्देश्य के लिए मिट्टी के बर्तनों का उपयोग करना बेहतर होगा। वे झुकाव नहीं करते हैं और चोरी होने की संभावना कम होती है। जैसे ही आप कटोरे में पानी और कुछ अन्न के दाने डालना शुरू करेंगे जल्द ही आपके पानी के कटोरे कई प्यासे गायों, कुत्तों और बिल्लियों, विभिन्न प्रजातियों के पक्षियों, गिलहरियों, गिरगिटों, मधु मक्खियों, ततैया और टिड्डों को आकर्षित करेंगे। तब आपको महसूस होगा कि आपकी ओर से एक छोटा सा प्रयास सैकड़ों निर्दोष जीवों की जान बचा रहा है।      यह बहुत सरल है। यह कितना संतोषजनक है।      इसे आज करो।          Every year a large number of birds and stray an